This weekend I’m happy to say I hosted my first Blogger and Business meet up and it was a success. I’ve seen a lot of my favorite blogger/vloggers and business attend events like this, but I’ve never really experienced anything like this in my local area. So I decided to take it amongst my self to host a meet up.
Now don’t worry if you are thinking about hosting one it’s very simple, just be willing to get a lot of creatives together and have a good time. In the beginning I was so worried about what we should focus on. I even thought about creating a outline of what will do or talk about, but then I said just wing it. And that was best decision ever we had a good time, got a lot of great advice, and agreed to do it again. Remember you may be the only person that has your particular vision, but you definitely aren’t the only person focusing on your passion and turning it into reality. It’s such a great feeling to surround yourself with like minded people. What a great way to start you Christmas holiday!!!
B&B Meet up Grille 29 B&B Meet up Grille 29 B&B Meet up Grille 29 B&B Meet up Grille 29 B&B Meet up Grille 29 B&B Meet up Grille 29 B&B Meet up Grille 29 B&B Meet up Grille 29 B&B Meet up Grille 29 B&B Meet up Grille 29 B&B Meet up Grille 29 B&B Meet up Grille 29 B&B Meet up Grille 29 B&B Meet up Grille 29 B&B Meet up Grille 29 Until Next Times my Loves!!!