I did a Big Thing! Moving to Atlanta

I honestly don’t know where to start, like what was I thinking about moving during a pandemic. Did I make the right decision? On August 30, 2020, I made one of the most significant changes in my life. I moved from Alabama to Georgia. For a person who has lived in the same place my entire life, it was big for me and was a change. I was worried about moving during a pandemic. All I could think about was germs so you know moving had me nervous. To my surprise, once it was time for the actual move day, I was a little bit more comfortable about the move. We took all of the safety precautions and were able to get everything packed up with the movers and hit the road.

My boyfriend and I went to see off family and friends, and we were on our way. And I’m not going to lie; for the first 15 minutes of our drive, I was crying (I’m Cancer, I mean, that’s what we do, lol). Oh, let me say this, of course, because of the pandemic, we weren’t able to have a going-away party or dinner or anything, but that’s ok. We kept our move very private. Only our close family and friends knew what was going on, and that was most important. We just felt it was better that way, and we could settle in without any issues or distractions.

Of course, my first few months have been an adjustment like anything new, but overall the experience has been great. We both are doing very well at work. We also have family and friends here, so we have seen a few people and hung out, but because we are still in a pandemic, some of our options are limited. Once the world adjusts to the new norm, we will get out and enjoy and experience a lot more of living here. And don’t worry, I will be taking you along with us on our new journey here.

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Look out for a new blog series and videos. I have a lot to share with you guys. So make sure you stay tuned and follow along. Now let’s all celebrate our new move and three month anniversary of moving to Atlanta. Cheers!

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  1. Candie kelsey
    December 2, 2020 / 12:13 am

    Good luck! Oh my cousin Darryl(wee wee) is gonna love it. Be safe

  2. Tasha W.
    November 24, 2021 / 7:53 am

    Congrats on your move! Good thing you were snatched up before moving there! ❤️

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