
Recently I attended my boyfriend’s family reunion. The setting was so lovely. It was on the beach the weather was wonderful and besides the obvious the beach and attractions I gain so much from attending the reunion. Just seeing everyone take time away from their busy lives and just kick back and enjoy life was awesome.  Let me just give you a few details about the trip.

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We had some major fun in the sun. When I tell you it was HOT!! I know I came back a shade darker. Ok, let me get back on track we did a lot in a few days. (let me just say this shout out to my handsome hunni for the photos, He has my back) LOVE THAT MAN!!

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We went out site seeing and took a dolphin cruise. I was like a kid in the candy store every time we came up on a dolphin in the water. Of course, you know you can’t go out of town and not do a little shopping I found some great deals at the outlets!! SHOP SHOP!! We participated in a beach day and a family picnic, hit the bar up and had a Masquerade ball that night.  
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Although I enjoyed all the things, I named none of those were the high light of the trip. The best part was seeing the family interactions and how they enjoyed each other.  Let me add they made me feel so welcomed. You know when you meet the majority of the family you’re a little nervous, I can’t even lie like I didn’t feel that way but they welcomed me with open arms y’all!!!

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Overall what I took away from the reunion was how important it is to keep a healthy connection is.  Keep in mind it comes with great benefits you have a born in BESTIE, a support system, a secret keeper, a teacher, and someone to keep all your secrets!!! Seriously family should always be cherished it’s nothing like it.

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I’m looking forward to planning my families’ next gathering with my great uncle it’s nothing like family time!!

Until Next Time My Loves!!!

1 Comment

  1. February 1, 2018 / 4:06 pm

    I love to see families spending time together like this. We have to make it a priority, or we will end up only seeing each other at funerals which is pretty depressing. You guys looked like you had a ton of fun!

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