3 things I’m focusing on this year

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It’s been a long time, y’all, but your girl is back. With an updated blog, whoop whoop! Yes, I’m saying now this will be the first of many blog posts for this year, so if you aren’t signed up, make sure you sign up for updates on when I drop a new post. Ok, now let’s get into today’s post.

3 Things I’m incorporating throughout the entire.

1. I’m creating a Schedule and or a Routine
This will help me set the tone for the rest of 1st qtr/2nd qtr and get into a rhythm for the rest of the year. So what does that look like? Scheduling things in advance, saying no to last-minute things, waking up early, and deciding on what’s a priority and what’s not. Creating a routine is also trying out new things and seeing what works best for me. Then once I figure that out, I will move forward with whatever produces the best results. I’m trying to keep things together in a good way this year.

2. Planning
I’m the queen of all things Stationary. I swear by my planner, notebook, sticky notes, and a journal. That’s something you will always see me with. In my opinion, they all help keep you productive, are great for reminders, and help you meet deadlines you have set. With me balancing both personal and professional life planning just helps me make sure I stay above water.

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3. Making time for breaks and grace

I can’t stress this enough! Take a break; I was hurting a lot in 2021 because I didn’t take breaks like I should. Let’s say I’ve learned my lesson now and will be taking breaks or a regular.
Another reason why I’m taking breaks, when needed, is because its good for your physical health, and critical for your mental health. You can’t show up 100% if you are burnt out and sis, trust me, that’s not a look! 


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Well, that’s my three focus points for this year. If you want to join me on this journey, comment down below.
Until Next Time,


1 Comment

  1. Yolanda J
    March 24, 2022 / 9:46 am

    Love all of this! 💕

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