5 Ways to hold yourself Accountable

Suppose you’re like me some days. You just aren’t feeling being productive. We’re human, so we know it’s going to happen. This year I told myself I’m going to be more intentional about everything I do. So today, I’m sharing five ways to practice accountability on a regular.

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  1. Get an Accountability partner– sometimes our cup is so empty we need a person or group who can pour into us or encourage us to keep going or get it done.
  2. Set Smart Goals – Set Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant Goals scheduled within a specific time. The smart goal you put in place will help you stay on track and not get overwhelmed.
  3.  Treat yourself- Just like in the workplace, if you do a good job, you get a reward or recognition. Start doing this for yourself if you got a lot done and made the process treat you.
  4. Do one thing at a Time– Start small, plan one thing at a time, focus on that, and then move to the next task. We have to stop trying to do 20 things at one time.
  5. Value your Time – Start creating certain hours to get things done and come them productivity hours. The results of doing this will help provide balance for both your personal and professional life.
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Until Next Time,


1 Comment

  1. July 9, 2021 / 8:09 am

    No.4…Is definitely my favorite. Pacing myself is so important. There are several things to do…but when I do them one at a time….they get completed with attention to detail. Great Blog post.

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