Essence Fest 2018

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Take me back…. When I tell you I had the time of my life in New Orleans for Essence Festival. It’s is so serious I booked my room for 2019 the same day I got home. I don’t know where to begin telling you about my experience, so I’m just going to speak whatever I feel. I can say I noticed one thing as soon as we made it in town was everything looked historic but was nice on the inside.

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First, let me say this I’ve never seen so many black people in one place in my life. What I loved the most about it was no one was a stranger everybody talked to each, and I didn’t experience or witness any drama. See that’s what I’m talking about because I’m over Thirty and I have zero tolerance for the foolery child. o be honest it was good meeting people from all over.

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Any who my primary goal for going to essence was to experience the black culture, to network, to eat some authentic and to enjoy my girls time. Our first day there we pretty much did the expected which was sightsee and to go down to French Quarter. It was so much going on out there from the bands to the curb sideshows. I mean everything you could think of we saw it. Let’s talk  about how celebrities were just out walking and having a good time. We walked right pass Issa Rae and Sarunas Johnson from Insecure.

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Baby when I tell you everybody and they cousins momma was out there. We ate good and drank even better. I was also able to snap a good photo or two. The scenery was amazing. I had to remind myself ok Tiff you’re on vacation, but don’t forget you are a blogger so get to snapping these photos for memories.

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The next few days were the actual Essence Fest Expo. You can do everything at the event eat, shop, get free product, exercise, attend empowerment events, sit in on celebrity panels/sessions, meet celebrities, take a million pictures, and so much more. There’s no way you can do everything in one day. You have to go at least two days if not all three. What I liked about it was the genuine feeling of Black Girl Magic. Essence motivated me so much as the new blogger. To see so many people (women) pursuing their dreams and reaching so many people. And to be able to that experience with your girls is even better, you make memories and get to enjoy each other.  Of course it would only be right to takes as many “Girls trip” photos as possible.

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I won’t make this to long, but I can say this if you haven’t visited New Orleans or ever been to the Essence Fest you should try it at least once. IT WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE…See you next year Essence!!

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Until next time loves,

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  1. July 24, 2018 / 10:06 pm

    These pictures look AMAZING and it sounds like such a fun time 🙂 I’ve always wanted to go to Essence Fest… Hopefully one day 🙂

  2. July 26, 2018 / 7:10 am

    Oh my gosh!!!! It looks like you had so much fun girl!!! I went a few years ago and didn’t really get to experience it the way that I wanted to. But, I’m going again next year and I’m going to make sure I have as much fun as you did lol!!! I love all of the photos you took!

  3. Takara Ayana
    July 29, 2018 / 2:08 pm

    Love your pics! I’ve been wanting to go for a while! But it’s so close to my birthday and I always ball out for that. I’ll make it one day.

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