Happy Birthday To Me!!

Ok ladies so I have to tell you how I celebrated another year of life…. I had the time of my life for my birthday weekend. Let’s start with my Actual birthday… On June 29 a Queen was born ok I know I’m extra lol! It’s funny I’m so use to planning everything for my birthday but this year it was different. My boyfriend went above and beyond for me. You what ladies I know sometimes we are so use to controlling or handling things but sometimes it’s ok to sit back and let others take the lead. 

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On my birthday my hunni surprised me with a wonderful night out for just the two of us. It was wonderful couldn’t of ask for a great way to start my birthday. That was just the beginning we had several things plan through the weekend. My favorite had to be the couples paint class. Ladies if you’re the local area check out the link below for details for a sip and paint class. Ladies if you are in the local area try out a paint night with your love one.  I put the link down below. They actually take your photo after the season on put it on their company website.


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I thought I was a Picasso lol no seriously it was just fun to celebrate another year of life in a creative way. I finished off my weekend with a big dinner with my close friends and family.  We had a great time with great drinks!!  Y’all if you never had a strawberry-kiwi margarita you have to try it. IT WAS LIFE!!!

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Overall my entire weekend birthday experience is one I won’t forget. I’m so grateful for a loving family, a wonderful man, and amazing friends. I’ve already set my goals for 31, it’s a total of 31 I will accomplish. The first one is to strive to do better,the remaining goals will be revealed and published throughout this year. Again this all goes back to self love, remember celebrating life is key.  We only get one and I plan to celebrate it and cherish it as much as I can. So ladies if you have a birthday coming up do something different to celebrate!!

1 Comment

  1. Yolanda
    July 20, 2017 / 9:06 am

    Love it! Self love is the BEST love! ?

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