Tcfstyle Expo Recap

Hey Lovies!!  A couple of weeks ago I was able to attend an AMAAAZZZing style event in Atlanta for plus size women and men, The Tcfstyle Expo. When I found out the event catered to plus size I had to jump on it. As a member of the plus community, I love the fact that there are events that focus on the plus culture. Also as a new blogger, I thought this would be a great way to help me grow more profound in the blogging community. One thing I’ve learned so far it’s always good to get out to attend events, network with brands and pick the veterans brains. Like any business, to grow, you must interact with others and be ready and willing to learn.

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I’m not going to lie when it came time for the event I was so nervous I didn’t know how it was going to be. To be honest, I felt like a kid on the first day of school. But I talked to myself and said girl get it together and enjoy yourself.

The event was two days, and from the moment I arrived, I instantly felt the love from everyone. I was selected to be a blogger, so we had to the opportunity to get together before the event. It gave you the chance to mingle with other bloggers and the media.  I was able to meet some of my favorite bloggers yes I was being a fan and making relationships at the same time lol!

I also was able to meet and speak with the host and creator of TCF ( The Curvy Fashionista) Hey Marie Girl!! She poured into us, and we poured into her, sometimes you need that last-minute talk before everything gets started!! We got ya back boo.  

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So once the doors opened for the event, I was in HEAVEN!! Everything you could think of was at the event. I was literally like a kid in a candy store. There were so many custom-made designs and let not forget the boutiques.  I didn’t know where to start, so I just went around the entire event and checked out what they had to offer.   I didn’t want to miss out on anything.

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After shopping for a while, it was time to enjoy the fashion shows and panels. One of my favorite Panels was the Body positivity Panel featuring my bama boo Chasity Hey!!! Overall the entire group was bomb those ladies spoke on some real topics relating to being plus size and living a healthy life. It’s funny how society has things so messed up. They make you feel like you can’t be plus size and fit or you can’t promote a lifestyle change if you are a plus size influencer. But honestly, everyone wants to live a happy and healthy life. If losing weight helps contribute to that no one should have any negative to say about. Ok, that’s just my opinion.



Overall I can say I enjoyed myself the entire event. I do believe attending as a blogger helped me make some excellent connections, meet new people, and leave with new friends. I ‘m already counting down for next year!! It’s funny I remember reading so many bloggers say they were nervous about going to the event. Hey, take a chance you can’t live in fear. Remember you aren’t the only person in the room who felt the same way. You can do it SIS!!! Until next time TCF!!!

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  1. August 30, 2018 / 2:21 pm

    I love networking! It’s literally the best way to both learn and grow your brand. I’m glad you were able to attend this event at meet the “big wigs”.

  2. September 2, 2018 / 4:17 pm

    Hey boo! It was so great seeing you at tcf!!! Looking forward to your blog posts!!

    • TiffanyTurner86
      September 4, 2018 / 7:18 am

      Thanks boo yes it was great seeing you I can’t wait to do it again!

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