
OMG!!! This past Wednesday was the premiere of Grown-ish and when I say I was so here for it!! I’m already counting down the days until next week’s episode. In case you aren’t familiar with Grown-ish, it’s a spinoff of one televisions highest ranked black sitcoms Black-ish. Black-ish is a comedy that focuses on real issues within the African-American community. The episodes are so powerful and  authentic. The episodes are based what ‘s happening in America. The show is considered a comedy sitcom.  Some people even call it the modern-day Cosby Show. I love it! See the link below for details on Black-ish.

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Now back to the subject matter Grown-ish. The show was amazing. From the music selection to the long list of realistic scenario’s young people go through while attending college or a university. If you attended an HBCU you know all about it (S/O) AAMU).

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Wait did anyone else pick up on the scene with the racial comment about “Magic Johnson”? Everyone black in the class turned around like wait a minute.

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There were so many focal points on the first two episodes. Listed below are a few things topics that stood out to me.

  • College Parties
  • Drug Abuse
  • Parents Calling Being Dramatic
  • Being ashamed of your parents and your back ground
  • Not being grateful for what your parents have done for you
  • Class Schedule – Last classes (Ugh I remember the struggle!)
  • Diversity
  • New friendships
  • Being a Loner
  • Dealing with sexuality
  • How to treat others
  • Racial comments/remarks
  • Balancing school and a social life
  • Partying too much
  • Maxing out Credits ( If you went to an HBCU you know about that. If you signed up for a credit card you received a free meal lol )
  • Connecting with your roommate – sidebar (S/O to Kristina the BEST ROOMMATE EVER!!! HEY GIRL!) Kristina taught me so much about academics, organization, confidence, hair maintenance, and style she inspired me to wear my first pair of pumps!

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I recently watched an interview with Yara Shahidi (Zoey) explaining how she handled all of the thorny topics while filming the show. See below..

With such a substantial introduction, I can only imagine what the remainder of the season will convey. So guys let me ask you a question. What did you think about the show? And how many of you can honestly say you can relate to some of the topics discussed. Let me know what you think. Until next time my loves!!





  1. Rian Verge
    January 6, 2018 / 12:37 pm

    Loved it, it brought back so many memories! I was amazed at the fact that they were able touch on so many topics within the first two episodes! I also enjoyed the fact that I saw so much of my younger self in Zoey, and was reminded of how far I have come, lol. And most importantly, they kept it REAL. I am looking forward to following her and her friend’s journey, can’t wait for the next episode?

    • TiffanyTurner86
      January 22, 2018 / 9:07 am

      Yes it really took me back! I Felt the sameway that was definitely the old Tiff in college. I’m excited as well to see what happens i’m sure we’ll be in for treat.

  2. January 7, 2018 / 12:24 pm

    i guess i have to see this show! shes such a lovely girl so this must be good! Thank you for the review

    • TiffanyTurner86
      January 22, 2018 / 9:08 am

      No problen thank you for reading, i hope you enjoyed the show!

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