Taking on 2018!

I still can’t believe it’s 2018. Time is moving. I mean every time I blink we’re in another season. With time going by at such a fast pace preparation is imperative. I told myself this year that I will focus on being prepared. Often I find myself saying I’ll get around to it or I’ll do it later, and it never happens. Come on now, let’s be real how many times have we all been guilty of that saying?? Yea I know…

So for this year to avoid going back into the same routine, I pledged to prepare and execute.

A great way to start is through organization. Create a list of things you plan to accomplish throughout the entire year. Now when I say come up with a list it doesn’t physically have to be a written list or a homework assignment, create what works for you.Instead of creating the standard “new years” resolutions, I created a list of goals that I plan to accomplish.

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Before getting started, it’s always good to do a self-evaluation or reflection. Try to focus on what you did well/ successfully and what you could do better. Also do me a favor, don’t beat yourself up if you planned to accomplish something last year and it didn’t happen. To be honest, life happens on a daily and what we think is best for is could be wrong. God will shift that thing all the way around! We CANNOT BEAT OURSELVES UP ABOUT THE PAST IT”S GONE…  So if you didn’t get around to something last year just add it to this year’s list.  Now let’s start planning.

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How to..

Your plans = Your way (Incorporate a style that works for you)

Determine how you want to record your goals. If you aren’t sure on how to document your goals here are a few examples: create a vision board a journal, use a planner/organizer, create a challenge, use post-it notes, work with your accountability partner, or utilize a  social media platform.

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Since we’re discussing goals, take a look at a few of my goals for 2018.

Financial growth- pay tithes, pay off debt, build credit, increase my savings, invest, start a new business venture

Health– lifestyle change, eat more fruits and veggies, drink more water, make the gym my bestie- to be honest right now she isn’t even an associate or a home girl (I need to do better)

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Fashion- Make my style my own, try new looks, eliminate old looks (no more turtlenecks!), share fashion tips with others, Come on DIVA!!!

Self Love – becoming more confident about myself and my projects, remove negative thoughts, stop settling for less, embrace my natural side, enhance my beauty, speak words of affirmations over myself and others

Relationship –Keep God first, have fun, love hard, grow in all areas, support each other always, Dress alike ( yes I’m that girl lol ) I’m currently searching for his and her attire as we speak. Babe be prepared its coming!!!

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Spiritual Growth– invest in a study bible, spend time with God daily, pour into others, minister, forgive, love, fast, be on time for the church ( Listen.. the struggle is real) Jesus be an alarm clock!

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Family-  show appreciation, call more, visit frequently, plan outings, express love on a daily, and make memories.

Friendship -Value, spend time, check in more, Break the over 30 curse (you know when everyone’s grown and time is limited) I’m saying can I get a GIRLS NIGHT OUT!

Blog– Post frequently and share with others, attend blogger events, be creative, take risks, plan activities,  partner with other brands, and learn new techniques.

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Education– Teach others, read more, become a sponge for knowledge, and complete certifications.

Additional goals– Anything new that I decide to accomplish throughout the year.

Although I didn’t list everything I have planned for this year, this should give you a good idea of how to get started.  Remember you can always add to your list or tweak it at any time.

Well, love’s Happy New Year! I know 2018 will be the year of blessings and prosperity!! Let’s make it a great one!

See ya 2017!!

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  1. Katrina Dunning
    January 30, 2018 / 5:47 pm

    I love it sis! You have grown into a beautiful woman. I can’t wait to see the new heights you reach with your blogging!

  2. Erika Patterson
    January 30, 2018 / 6:20 pm

    I freaking love it Tiff Tiff !! You are truly amazing ! A lot of these notes I can use for myself . There are some business plans Antonio and I are working on and I must say your blog will be a huge inspiration on jump starting this venture for us ! Thanks Tiff ! ?

  3. February 4, 2018 / 6:18 am

    Love these goals! I love home God is playing a huge role in your life, goals and year. Girl with him in your heart you will knock these out of the park. Laughing at matching ‘his’ and ‘her’ outfits. My husband and I inadvertently end up matching all the time so we are ‘that’ couple too.

  4. February 4, 2018 / 6:19 am

    I love this part: “Your plans = Your way (Incorporate a style that works for you).” We get so caught up on “doing it right” or how we think others do it and lose sight of the fact that you are you and must do what works for YOU. I say this all the time when I give advice. My way isn’t necessarily the right way for you. Great read.

  5. Cleo
    February 4, 2018 / 8:07 am

    Awesome! These are great tips I will share will met friends/family! I feel these will help me continue to be great!

  6. February 6, 2018 / 7:15 am

    I love the point of doing things your way on your own time! It’s important to know that there is no wrong way when it comes to your own projects!

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