Ten Things about me

Hey Guy since I’ve gain some new followers, I t thought I would share a little about me. If you are new to my page welcome to my world. It’s funny even if you’ve been following me for a while I’m sure there are somethings you don’t know about me. So this post will be beneficial for everyone. I share a little about myself, but not too much. Moving forward I’ve decided to be more open with you guys.

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1.I love love love love Charlie Brown! I have all of the holiday specials. I collect anything Charlie Brown. So keep that in mind for birthday, Christmas, and just because gifts.

2. When I was younger the doctor told me I had a small mouth. Hard to believe I know. My mouth was so little I had to get 4 teeth pulled before i could even get braces. Who knew the girl who loves to talk so much would have a small mouth.

3. I started my blog to share my self-love journey and my overall lifestyle. My hope is to encourage others to do the same and build confidence within themselves. I don’t mind being the example or sharing my experiences.

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4. I am a survivor of physical, mental, and emotional abuse for over 11 years. This goes into #three. I started my self-love journey based on being in a low place after abuse. I didn’t value myself, I didn’t think I was pretty, I lacked confidence, was afraid, and was super defensive. I will say I’m now I’m in a healthy place. It was hard to admit I was victim of domestic violence, but I know I’m not the only one who’s made it out or been through it. I will forever share my story. Why because it could save a life. If I can walk away or make it out so can you.

5. I love to hum-yes it’s so random but soooo therapeutic. I literally have a song in heart every day. It’s funny sometimes I have to catch myself because someone can be talking to me and I will break out in a song lol. I guess I’m just different.

6. I love books, planners, and journals – It’s funny my best friend always tells the story of how I’ve always been carrying around books even as a child. I mean I need those things to function I need a planner for organization of course. Now the journal is pretty much to write down what i’m thinking so I won’t forget with my bad memory. And last but not least I’ve been a book worm forever. From Dr. Seuss and Amelia Bedelia to becoming Michelle Obama and Self help books

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7. I love make up — but I only know how to do the basics I just started doing eye shadow about a year and half ago. I would literally go to the professionals, or have my best friends or sister do it for me. But now since I’ve been watching SUPA Cent and started using the crayon case I think I can do something now. MAKE-UP WHAT!!!

8. This one is weird but I have very strong toes. I can pick up the remote with them. I like to think it’s one of my talents. Strong toes!!! I know it’s strange but hey at least I’m honest.

9. I love sex and the city!! The movie and the series. I actually was inspired to start blogging from Carrie Bradshaw. Well Sarah Jessica Parker she is so classy and sassy and I love it!!! I guess I could say I have Carrie fever!

10. Last but not least I can’t ride a bike and can barely skate. Hey I did good to get my drivers license but hey it’s never too late to learn!

Well I hope you enjoyed learning little about me. Make sure you stick around to learn more.

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Until Next Time,

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