Blogging in the New Year

I still can’t believe it’s 2019 and the end of January. I honestly feel like the new year came so quick I didn’t have time to prepare. Hence, the blog post coming out so late!

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The last couple of days of December I was freaking out. I didn’t have any clue of I wanted to accomplish for the upcoming year and I was perfectly fine with that. A couple of years ago I decided to stop doing resolutions and come up with goals for the upcoming year.

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Goals are interchangeable. I feel like that’s great when you’re still trying to figure out what the heck you want to do with your life. It’s a good idea to at least start somewhere. So with that being said take a look at my goals for 2019. I hope this inspires you to go for whatever it is you’ve been thinking about or wanting to do.

  1. Life Style Change- I want to continue to change physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. To me this is an ongoing thing.
  2. Get my finances together- save, invest, pay off debt, tithe, and have multiple streams of income.
  3. Relationship- growth, support, communicate, trust, love, grow, prepare to be united, build, and spend time.
  4. Spiritual growth- more time in prayer, pray for my love ones,cont. to read my study bible, seek god first, and pray out loud.
  5. Family- remain close, enjoy time together, love hard, cherish moments.
  6. Travel- outside of the country, within the states, a major trip is a must for me. This grown life requires a vacay!
  7. Blogging- continue to create content, engage more, build brand, provide helpful resources, inspire others ,and ROCK THE HELL OUT OF MY SOPHOMORE BLOGGER YEAR!!
  8. Share products-more info coming soon.
  9. Complete Certification Program- Digital Entrepreneurship.
  10. Schedule speaking engagements – I’ve already confirmed two whoop whoop!
  11. Host my annual empowerment event – Battle of the Sexes
  12. Enjoy and learn more about fashion – try new things, just have fun with style.
  13. Enjoy life- stop sweating the small things, let go of grudges that’s old and went out years ago it’s 2019!
  14. Read more- that’s self explanatory
  15. Practice self care once a week – Everyone needs time to themselves
  16. Continue to learn both personal and professionally – because knowledge is power.
  17. Workout- It’s 2019 and I’m still struggling smh… but I did sign up for the gym step one (check)
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For now this is the start of my goals for the year. I’m 100% positive things will change and more goals will be added. So here’s to a New Year, with new goals, and possibilities.

Until next time loves,

XOXO Tiffany

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  1. Kay
    January 31, 2019 / 7:18 am

    Love the post and good luck with your goals! You look fabulous by the way.

  2. Calandra
    January 31, 2019 / 8:05 am

    Love your sweet spirit an thanks for sharing your goals with us…I pray 2019 is all u want an more!!!??

  3. January 31, 2019 / 8:41 am

    Love this, number 7 and number 11… right up my alley! Continue to create amazing things, and God will continue to open many many more doors ahead!

    Belle in the City

  4. January 31, 2019 / 9:12 am

    Sounds like a good plan. I reckon once you get all the rest sorted, you’ll feel happier and more content and the gym will follow.

    Good luck

  5. January 31, 2019 / 12:44 pm

    Awesome goals. You got this.

  6. January 31, 2019 / 6:19 pm

    These are all great goals and I love how you broke them down into actionable items. I’m obsess with your red boots! They’re amazing!!

  7. January 31, 2019 / 8:16 pm

    Time moves fast, I know just not too long ago,I was looking forward to christmas and now as you say, it`s already end of January 2019.Love your outfits.

  8. February 1, 2019 / 1:09 am

    Really great goals. What usually helps me is adding dates to my goals to give myself a sense of urgency as well as keep me motivated throughout the year. All the best with your goals.

  9. February 1, 2019 / 2:53 am

    I’ve also come up with a list of goals for 2019, it was quite long so I made a new one with my priorities at the top and if I don’t reach all the goals at the bottom I won’t beat myself up.

  10. Kristen Frolich
    February 1, 2019 / 6:01 am

    Those red boots are on point! It’s crazy how fast time moves. Cherish every second you can and take everything one day at a time.

  11. February 1, 2019 / 8:11 am

    It definitely sounds like your goals are about growth and pushing yourself further. Good luck with them this year 🙂

  12. Michelle
    February 1, 2019 / 11:22 am

    What awesome goals! You got this! My theme this year has been bigger and better in 2019! Love it!

  13. February 1, 2019 / 3:02 pm

    These are wonderful goals! I have some of the same goals. Number 4, 5, and 7 are three of mine that we have in common. I pray that you accomplish all of your goals! I love your dress in these pictures, it is beautiful!

  14. February 1, 2019 / 4:41 pm

    Good luck on your goals this year! I really like your idea of not setting resolutions, I have also chosen to focus more on growing spiritually this year, but without the added pressure of setting deadlines! Let the good times roll!

  15. Chelle Dizon
    February 1, 2019 / 7:30 pm

    I also can’t believe how time flies so fast. I also dis not set any resolution for this tear but I do have some goals for myself that I want to achieve.

  16. Vanessa Delia
    February 2, 2019 / 3:19 pm

    I’ve got a few changes I’ve tackled in the new year as well. Sounds like you’ve got a great list rolling! Good for you!

  17. February 2, 2019 / 7:30 pm

    I legit have a “end of year” post that I just never managed to write, and now I feel like it’s too late to do it!

  18. February 5, 2019 / 11:48 am

    Having goals in new year is quite a necessity to make your year more productive! Great ideas and good luck to you this year!

  19. February 5, 2019 / 2:22 pm

    I like to think of every day as a chance to achieve my goals or make a change. This way no matter the month or year, I don’t feel so overwhelmed with the pressure to come up with resolutions.

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